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Dutton/Brady Public Schools provide positive behavioral supports for students to develop necessary leadership and communication skills. PAX is based on over forty years of research on student behavior. The PAX (peace, productivity, health, and happiness) good behavior game helps our teachers and students work together in positive ways. PAX positive behaviors are based on ten strategies, called "kernels," that create a safe, predictable, and nurturing environment to help our students build confidence. Our ten "kernels" provide the foundation for a positive and safe environment for our students that include:

1. PAX Vision

2. I'm a PAX Leader

3. PAX Quiet

4. Granny's Wacky Prizes

5. Beat the Timer

6. PAX Stix

7. PAX Tootle Notes

8. PAX Voices

9. PAX Hands and Feet

10. OK/Not OK 


We will update our website and send home "kernel" cards that help inform and apply the strategies for more positive behaviors at home. 

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